How To Write About Your Incoming Job On Your Resume

Written by Mark DeGrasso

June 7, 2023

Crafting a resume that effectively showcases your skills and experience can be a challenging process. But when you are applying for a job that you have not yet started, things get even more complicated. Writing about your upcoming job on your resume requires a delicate balance of anticipation and professionalism. In this article, we will explore how to future-proof your resume by writing about your incoming job in the most effective way possible.

Future-Proofing Your Resume: Jobs to Consider

If you are considering including your incoming job on your resume, it is essential to choose a position that is relevant to your career goals. But how can you predict which jobs will be in high demand in the coming years?

One way to future-proof your resume is by focusing on emerging careers in the tech industry. As technology continues to evolve, so do the job opportunities that come with it. Job titles like AI ethicist and cybersecurity specialist are becoming more common as companies prioritize data privacy and security. These roles require a deep understanding of technology and its potential impacts on society, making them highly sought after in the coming years.

In addition to tech-related careers, there are several jobs that experts predict will be in high demand for the next 10 years. Healthcare professionals like nurses and physician assistants are expected to be in high demand as the population ages and requires more medical attention. Renewable energy technicians are also expected to be in high demand as the world shifts towards more sustainable energy sources.

Specialized IT professionals are also expected to be in high demand for the next decade. As companies continue to rely more heavily on technology, they will need experts in areas like cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence to help them stay ahead of the curve.

Emerging Jobs in the Tech Industry

Let’s take a closer look at some of the emerging jobs in the tech industry that you may want to consider for your future career:

  • AI Ethicist: As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, companies are increasingly concerned with the ethical implications of their technology. AI ethicists help organizations navigate these complex issues and ensure that their AI systems are designed and used in a responsible manner.
  • Cybersecurity Specialist: With data breaches and cyber attacks on the rise, companies are investing heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their sensitive information. Cybersecurity specialists are responsible for designing and implementing these measures, as well as responding to any security incidents that may occur.
  • Machine Learning Engineer: Machine learning is a rapidly growing field that involves teaching computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that data. Machine learning engineers are responsible for designing and implementing these systems, as well as monitoring and improving their performance over time.
  • Data Scientist: With the explosion of data in recent years, companies are looking for experts who can help them make sense of all the information they collect. Data scientists are responsible for analyzing data and using it to make informed business decisions.


By focusing on emerging careers in the tech industry and other high-demand fields, you can future-proof your resume and increase your chances of landing a job that will be in demand for years to come. Keep an eye on the latest trends and developments in your field, and be ready to adapt and learn new skills as needed.

To List or Not to List: Including Future Jobs on Your Resume

When it comes to crafting your resume, it can be a daunting task to decide which jobs to include and how to present them. Once you have chosen a job to include, you need to decide whether or not to list it as a current position. There are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches, so it is important to weigh your options.

If you are considering listing a future job on your resume, it is important to consider the potential benefits. One of the main advantages is that it can demonstrate your ambition and forward-thinking mindset to potential employers. By showcasing that you have already secured a new job, you are showing that you are proactive and always looking towards the future. This can be especially beneficial if you are applying for a position that requires a high level of initiative and drive.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to listing a future job on your resume. It can be seen as presumptuous if you have not yet started the job. Hiring managers may question your judgment and wonder if you are counting your chickens before they hatch. Additionally, if you do not end up starting the job for any reason, it can make you look unreliable or flaky.

On the other hand, not including your future job on your resume can also have its downsides. For example, it can cause a gap in your work history, which can be a red flag for potential employers. Even if you are currently unemployed, listing a future job can help to fill that gap and show that you are actively working towards your next opportunity.

Another potential drawback to leaving off a future job is that it may fail to highlight skills that may be relevant to the position you are applying for. If your future job is in a similar field or requires similar skills, it can be beneficial to include it on your resume to show that you have experience in that area.


Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to list a future job on your resume will depend on your individual circumstances and the position you are applying for. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision. If you do decide to list a future job, make sure to do so in a way that showcases your ambition and drive without coming across as presumptuous.

When crafting a resume, it is important to keep in mind that it is not just a list of your past experiences and accomplishments, but also a reflection of your future potential. Including your upcoming job on your resume can be a great way to showcase your ambition and drive.

One effective way to write about your future work experience is to focus on the specific skills and knowledge you will gain from the job. For example, if you are starting a new position as a marketing coordinator, you might highlight your expected experience in developing and executing marketing campaigns, as well as your knowledge of social media and analytics tools.

It is also important to use strong action verbs when describing your future work experience. Instead of simply saying you will be responsible for certain tasks, use verbs like “manage,” “create,” and “implement” to convey a sense of action and accomplishment. This will help demonstrate your potential to future employers.

Another key element to consider when writing about your future work experience is how it fits into your long-term career goals. Will this job provide you with valuable experience and skills that will help you achieve your ultimate career aspirations? If so, be sure to emphasize this in your resume.

Overall, including your upcoming job on your resume can be a powerful way to demonstrate your ambition and potential. By focusing on the specific skills and experience you will gain, using strong action verbs, and highlighting how the job fits into your long-term career goals, you can craft a compelling resume that showcases your future potential.

Leveraging Future Work Experience for Career Advancement

Are you looking for ways to advance your career? Have you considered leveraging your future work experience to stand out to potential employers? If not, you may be missing out on a valuable opportunity.

When it comes to job searching, it can be challenging to differentiate yourself from other candidates. However, by listing a future job and the skills you will acquire, you can set yourself apart and demonstrate that you are a proactive and ambitious candidate.

How Listing Future Work Can Help You Stand Out to Employers

Employers are always looking for candidates who are committed to their careers and are constantly seeking opportunities to grow and develop. By highlighting your upcoming job, you can demonstrate that you are proactive and forward-thinking.

Additionally, the skills and experience you will gain from your future job can be used to show that you are capable and driven. For example, if you are planning to start a new job in marketing, you can highlight the skills you will gain in digital marketing, social media management, and data analysis.

By showcasing your future work experience, you can also demonstrate your passion for your chosen field. This can be particularly important if you are looking to make a career change or transition into a new industry.

The Benefits of Planning Ahead

Planning ahead and listing your future work experience can also help you to set goals and stay motivated. By visualizing where you want to be in your career and the skills you need to get there, you can create a roadmap for success.

Furthermore, by setting goals and working towards them, you can build confidence and self-esteem. This can be particularly important if you have experienced setbacks or challenges in your career.


Overall, leveraging your future work experience can be a powerful tool for career advancement. By highlighting your upcoming job and the skills you will acquire, you can demonstrate your commitment, ambition, and passion for your chosen field. So, start thinking ahead and take the first step towards achieving your career goals today!

Additional Resources for Job Seekers

Looking for more tips on how to improve your job search? Check out these additional resources:

How to Write a Winning Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter that stands out can be a daunting task, but it’s an essential part of the job application process. A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in getting noticed by potential employers. But what makes a cover letter stand out from the rest?

First and foremost, it should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. This means doing your research on the company and understanding their values, mission, and goals. Use this information to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain why you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Another important aspect of a winning cover letter is its tone. You want to come across as confident, but not arrogant, and professional, but not overly formal. Strike a balance between showcasing your personality and being respectful of the employer’s time and expectations.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your cover letter thoroughly. Grammatical errors and typos can be a major turnoff for employers, and can make you appear careless or unprofessional.

The Dos and Don’ts of Job Interview Follow-Up Emails

So, you’ve aced your job interview and now you’re wondering what comes next. Following up with a thank-you email can be a great way to show your appreciation and keep yourself top-of-mind with the employer. But there are some important dos and don’ts to keep in mind when crafting your follow-up email.

First, do send a follow-up email within 24-48 hours of your interview. This shows that you’re proactive and interested in the position. Be sure to thank the interviewer for their time, and reiterate your interest in the job.

However, don’t be too pushy or demanding in your email. Avoid asking about salary or benefits at this stage, and don’t pester the employer with multiple follow-up emails.

Another important do is to personalize your email. Reference specific topics or points that came up in your interview, and use this as an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm and knowledge about the company.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your email carefully. Just like with your cover letter, typos and grammatical errors can detract from your professionalism and attention to detail.